PACE A Partnership for an Advanced Computing Environment

October 31, 2024

New GPUs for Phoenix, V100s being Replaced 

Filed under: Uncategorized — Michael Weiner @ 9:53 am

[Additional Message 11/7/24]

As we prepare to remove 12 of the V100 servers from Phoenix next week in preparation for the arrival of new GPU nodes in December, we would like to inform you of another set of new GPUs available on the cluster through the embers backfill QOS.

There are 8 nodes, each with 8 L40S GPUs, providing 64 GPUs that have been available exclusively on embers (due to the ownership of this equipment) since late September in the Phoenix RHEL9 environment.

Visit our Phoenix Slurm guide on GPU requests to learn how to request them. Be sure to include a request for the embers QOS when requesting L40S architecture, at least until the additional L40S nodes for general use become available in December on inferno. You must make the request from the RHEL9 environment. Access via Phoenix OnDemand is not yet available.

Please contact with any questions.

[Original Post 10/31/24]

We’re happy to announce that there are will be 6 new H200 machines coming to Phoenix for general usage, with 8x NVIDIA H200 GPUs each, along with 2x L40S machines, each with 8x NVIDIA L40S GPUs. These will be available on the RHEL 9 operating system on Phoenix, which is required to support the new hardware. 

12 of the existing V100 servers will be REMOVED from the Phoenix RHEL7 environment to make room for the new L40S hardware, due to having reached the end-of-life on vendor support. The overall impact will be to greatly increase both the number and power of GPUs available on Phoenix – 24 V100 GPUs will be replaced with 16 L40S and 48 H200 GPUs. 
This change will begin on Nov. 11th, when the V100 machines will be removed, and we will 
begin installing the new servers, which we hope to release by December 6th
The new machines will be available via both the Inferno QoS and Embers on RHEL9. Jobs using the new H200 machines will be charged at a rate of $0.673 per GPU Hour ($1.4571 for GTRI), matching the current H100 rate. The rate for the new L40S GPUs will be shared prior to their release, as we’re working through approvals. 

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