PACE A Partnership for an Advanced Computing Environment

March 31, 2022

PACE Data Retention Updates

Filed under: Uncategorized — Michael Weiner @ 11:43 am

PACE is nearing the conclusion of our user records and data audit, and we would like to share with you several updates to how PACE handles data stored on our storage systems and the role of schools in managing that data.

PACE takes responsibility for the storage of all data from our old systems in the Rich datacenter that has not been assigned to a current member of the faculty. All of this data has been inaccessible to all users since December 1, 2020. Any school that wishes to do so may request data of a former faculty member and thereby assume responsibility for the data and for the cost of continuing to store it on PACE (unless it is relocated), in accordance with the Data Retention Guidelines provided by the GT administration and shared with you at this time. If the school does not make such a request, PACE will cover the cost of storing this data until July 2024, then delete anything that has not been requested.

All data left on PACE by faculty who departed the Institute after July 1, 2021, will follow the Data Retention Guidelines. Under these guidelines, the faculty member’s former school will be responsible for the data and the cost of storing it on PACE, relocating it to another storage system, or determining it can be deleted while complying with any relevant regulations and contracts. The 1 TB provided to each school at no charge on Phoenix may be used to store these files. Schools also have the option of purchasing PACE Archive storage, which is designed for long-term retention of data that does not need to be used regularly on PACE compute clusters.

If you have any questions about PACE storage, please contact PACE at, and we’ll be happy to discuss it with you.

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