PACE A Partnership for an Advanced Computing Environment

February 28, 2022

Battery replacement on Phoenix project & scratch storage will impact performance on Thursday, March 3

Filed under: Uncategorized — Michael Weiner @ 11:13 am

Summary: Battery replacement on Phoenix project & scratch storage will impact performance on Thursday, March 3.

What’s happening and what are we doing: Power supply units on the Phoenix Lustre storage device, holding project and scratch storage, need to be replaced. During the replacement, which will begin at approximately 10 AM on Thursday, March 3, storage will shift to write-through mode, and performance will be impacted. Once the UPS batteries in the new units are sufficiently charged, performance will return to normal.

How does this impact me: Phoenix project and scratch performance will be impacted until the fresh batteries have sufficiently charged, which should take several hours. Jobs may progress more slowly than normal. If your job runs out of wall time and is cancelled by the scheduler, please resubmit it to run again.

What we will continue to do: PACE will monitor Phoenix storage throughout this procedure.

Thank you for your patience as we complete this replacement. If you have any questions or concerns, please direct them to

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