Dear PACE Researchers,
We would like to announce an upcoming change to the scheduler configuration on the Phoenix and Hive clusters at 9:00 AM on Thursday, September 23rd. This change should improve the scheduler performance given the large number of jobs executed by our users.
What will PACE be doing: PACE will reduce the retention time for job-specific logs from 24 hours to 6 hours after job completion. Reducing the amount of job information the scheduler needs to process regularly should provide a more stable and faster job submission environment. Additionally, the downtime associated with scheduler restarts should improve, as job ingestion time will be reduced accordingly.
Who does this message impact: Any user who attempts to use qstat for a job more than 6 hours after completion will be unable to do so moving forward. In addition to the scheduler job STDOUT/STDERR files, job statistics for completed jobs on Phoenix and Hive can be queried at
What PACE will continue to do: We will monitor the clusters for issues during and after the configuration change to assess any immediate impacts from the update. We will continue to assess the scheduler health to ensure a stable job submission environment.
As always, please contact us at with any questions or concerns regarding this change.
Best Regards,
The PACE Team