PACE A Partnership for an Advanced Computing Environment

February 24, 2021

Update on the New Cost Model: April 1, 2021 is the Start Date for Compute and Storage Billing

Filed under: Uncategorized — Semir Sarajlic @ 3:08 pm

Dear PACE research community,

Since the start of 2021, nearly 500k user jobs have completed from nearly 150 PI groups that’s accounted for nearly 16M CPU hours on the Phoenix cluster while maintaining an exceptional quality of service in which the average wait time in queue per user’s job was about 0.5 hours.   The measures that we implemented on December 14 (see blog post)  to ensure fair use of the Phoenix cluster have been effective in enabling the research groups to leverage the scalability of the Phoenix and the new system while maintaining a high level of quality service for the user community.

At this time, we want to share an update in reference to the new cost model.   We are updating the start date for compute and storage billing from March 1, 2021 to April 1, 2021 as the new start date for billing. This means that users will not be charged for their usage of compute and storage resources until April 1, 2021.  This grace period extension allows us to achieve the following:

  • Gain input from the faculty led PACE advisory committee that is being organized.
  • Align the start of our compute and storage billing for all services (including CUI)
  • Provide additional time for the research community to adopt to the Phoenix cluster and the new cost model.
  • Provide an opportunity to send  “showback” statements for the prior months during March, which would provide time for PIs to review these past statements and follow up with PACE if they have any questions prior to the start of billing that begins on April 1, 2021

If you have any questions, concerns or comments, please direct them to


The PACE Team


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