Dear PACE Users,
RESOLVED: PACE is now ready for research.
We are preparing for our next PACE maintenance period, which will begin at 6:00 AM on August 6th, 2020 and conclude at 11:59 PM on August 8th, 2020. As usual, jobs with long walltimes will be held by the scheduler to ensure that no active jobs will be running when systems are powered off. These jobs will be released as soon as the maintenance activities are complete.
We are still finalizing planned activities for the maintenance period. Here is a current list:
– None Current.
– [Resolved] Coda Lustre Upgrade (This will start on Wednesday (08/05), which will impact testflight-coda only, and a scheduler reservation was put in place to prevent any jobs from running past 6:00AM on Wednesday – August 5).
– [Resolved] Install additional line cards for CS8500 Infiniband switch.
– [Resolved] Deploy PBSToools RPM on schedulers
– [Resolved] Upgrade Hive Infiniband switches firmware to version 3.9.0914
– [Resolved] Upgrade Coda Infiniband director switches firmware to version 3.9.0914
– [Resolved] Move DNS appliance from Rich to Coda.
– [Resolved] Update coda-apps file system mounts to use qtrees from NetApp on all servers.
– [Deferred] Update Nvidia GPU Drivers in Coda to support Cuda 11 SDK.
– [Resolved] Reboot of all nodes.
– [Resolved] Rebooted the subnet manager.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us at
The PACE Team