This issue has been resolved. We still encourage users to take advantage of Globus for an improved data transfer experience.
[Original Post]
While the scratch filesystem is once again available on the login & compute nodes, it is still inaccessible on the datamover node (iw-dm-4), which many of you use to access your files via scp or sftp protocols. Your data directories are currently available there. We always encourage you to use Globus instead of scp or sftp, and that is the best workaround at this time to move files between scratch and non-PACE locations. For instructions on using Globus, please visit http://docs.pace.gatech.edu/storage/globus/. The datamover node may eventually be decommissioned, so now is a good time to begin using Globus if you have not already done so. Please contact us at pace-support@oit.gatech.edu if you have any questions. We apologize for the ongoing disruption.