[RESOLVED] We have restored functionality to the RHEL7 dedicated scheduler. Thank you for your patience.
[UPDATE] The RHEL7 dedicated scheduler, accessed via login7-d, is again down. We are actively working to resolve the issue at this time, and we will update you when the scheduler is restored. Please follow the same blog post (https://blog.pace.gatech.edu/?p=6715) for updates. If you have any questions, please contact pace-support@oit.gatech.edu.
[RESOLVED] We have rebooted the RHEL7 Dedicated scheduler, and functionality has been restored. Thank you for your patience.
[ORIGINAL MESSAGE] Roughly 30 minutes ago we determined an issue with the scheduler for dedicated RHEL7 clusters; this scheduler is responsible for all jobs submitted from the dedicated RHEL7 headnode, login7-d. All other schedulers are operating as expected. We are actively working to resolve the problem, but in the meantime you will be unable to submit new jobs or query the status of queued or running jobs.
If you have any questions, please contact pace-support@oit.gatech.edu.