PACE A Partnership for an Advanced Computing Environment

August 29, 2019

Release of Updated PACE User Documentation

Filed under: Uncategorized — Semir Sarajlic @ 7:40 pm

PACE is pleased to announce the release of our updated PACE User Documentation . While we updated much of our existing guides, we have added additional guides with detailed instructions for various tasks along with examples such as PBS scripts for various applications you may want to submit batch/interactive jobs with.   The actual documentation is built using GitHub that helps us better maintain the documentation, and  this modular design will mitigate any interruption in the service should we decide to upgrade/change our webhosting technology for our overall site.

Over the Fall semester, we will begin phasing out the older documentation from our many pages on PACE website and redirecting them to our new documentation.   As some of you recall from attending our prior PACE Consulting Sessions and Clusters Orientation classes, your feedback about our documentation (which was Beta at the time) was invaluable, and you will find much of your feedback included  in this release.  We hope you find this documentation helpful, and if you have any questions or comments, please don’t hesitate to let us know.

Again, to access the new documentation, you may access it from our home page or the following links below:



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