PACE A Partnership for an Advanced Computing Environment

August 14, 2018

[RESOLVED] Scratch storage problems

Filed under: Uncategorized — Semir Sarajlic @ 11:02 pm
Update (08/15/2018): As suspected, internal data migrations were not happening automatically. We worked with the vendor to address the issue and it’s now once again safe to use the scratch storage. We’ll keep on monitoring the utilization just in case.
Original post:
We have received multiple reports of jobs crashing due to insufficient scratch storage, although the physical usage is only at %38.
We suspect that this issue is related to some disk pools that are not able to migrate data to other pools internally.
We are currently looking in to this problem. In the mean time, we recommend not using the scratch space if possible, until we have a better understanding of the situation.
Thank you, and sorry for this inconvenience.

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