PACE A Partnership for an Advanced Computing Environment

November 4, 2017

PACE clusters ready for research

Filed under: Uncategorized — Semir Sarajlic @ 2:49 am

Our November 2017 maintenance period is now complete, far ahead of schedule.  We have brought compute nodes online and released previously submitted jobs. Login nodes are accessible and data available. As usual, there are some straggling nodes we will address over the coming days.

Our next maintenance period is scheduled for Thursday, February 8 through Saturday, February 10, 2018.

– Nearly a petabyte of data was migrated to the new DDN/GPFS storage device.  While this will provide a more performant, expandable, and supportable storage platform, it requires changes to path names.  We have adjusted the symbolic links in home directories (e.g. ~/data) to point to the new locations, please continue to use these names wherever possible.  In order to minimize disruption, we have also put a temporary redirection in place so that the old names will continue to work.  We intend to remove this redirection during our next maintenance period, and will proactively identify and assist users using the deprecated path names.

– The nvidia-gpu and gpu-recent queues have been consolidated into a new force-gpu queue.  Please use the new queue name going forward.  PACE staff will proactively identify and assist users using the deprecated queue names.
– The semap-6 queue has been moved to an alternate scheduler server.  No user action is required.
– The Joe cluster has been moved into the shared partition.  These users now have access to idle cycles in the shared partition, and offer the idle cycles of their cluster for use by others.

ITAR / NIST800-171 environment
– planned tasks are complete, no user action is required.

Power and Network
– planned tasks are complete, no user action is required.

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