PACE A Partnership for an Advanced Computing Environment

July 21, 2016

EXTENDED: PACE quarterly maintenance – July ’16

Filed under: tech support — admin @ 5:50 am

Dear PACE users,

Despite our best efforts, the data copies for the PACE scratch space have not gone as quickly as we had projected. We have also encountered an anomaly with the new storage system though we expect be able to rectify this while in production. At this writing, we have many of the compute nodes online but cannot start jobs until the data copy is complete.

As with all our maintenance periods, there is always a remote possibility we will run over our estimated time. This is one of those times. Please accept our apology for this unavoidable delay. We can assure you all the data is intact and we are continuing to work to optimize the transfers to achieve a speedy return to service.

Our staff will continue to update you with our progress.

The PACE team

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