During our quarterly maintenance period next week, we will relocate some of our project directory servers to OIT data center space on Marietta Street, as we’re pressed for generator-protected space in Rich. This is a major undertaking, with over 20 servers moving. Our intent is that no change is needed on your part, but wanted to ensure transparency in our activities. The list below contains all of the affected filesystems. The list of filesystems to which you have access can be obtained with the ‘pace-quota’ command.
- home directories for all clusters except Gryphon and Tardis
- /nv/pb4, /nv/archive-bio1 (BioCluster)
- /nv/hchpro1, /nv/pchpro1 (Chemprot)
- /nv/pas1 (Enterprise)
- /nv/pase1 (Ase1)
- /nv/pb2 (Optimus)
- /nv/pbiobot1 (BioBot)
- /nv/pc4, /nv/pc5, /nv/pc6 (Cygnus)
- /nv/pccl2 (Gryphon, legacy)
- /nv/pcoc1 (Monkeys)
- /nv/pe1, /nv/pe2, /nv/pe3, /nv/pe4, /nv/pe5, /nv/pe6, /nv/pe7, /nv/pe8, /nv/pe9, /nv/pe10, /nv/pe11, /nv/pe12, /nv/pe13, /nv/pe14 (Atlas)
- /nv/hp1, /nv/pf1, /nv/pf2 (FoRCE)
- /nv/pface1 (Faceoff)
- /nv/pg1 (Granulous)
- /nv/pggate1 (GGate)
- /nv/planns (Lanns)
- /nv/pmart1 (Martini)
- /nv/pmeg1 (Megatron)
- /nv/pmicro1 (Microcluster)
- /nv/pska1 (Skadi)
- /nv/ptml1 (Tmlhpc)
- /nv/py2 (Uranus)
- /nv/pz2 (Athena)
- /nv/pzo1, /nv/pzo2 (backups for Zohar and NeoZhoar)
Additionally, the following filesystems will be migrated to GPFS:
- /nv/pcee1 (cee.pace)
- /nv/pme1, /nv/pme2, /nv/pme3, /nv/pme4, /nv/pme5, /nv/pme6, /nv/pme7, /nv/pme8 (Prometheus)
As a stretch goal, we will also migrate the following filesystems to GPFS. If we are pressed for time, they will move with their old servers as listed above.
- /nv/hp1, /nv/pf1, /nv/pf2 (FoRCE)
- /nv/pas1 (Enterprise)
- /nv/pbiobot1 (BioBot)
- /nv/pccl2 (Gryphon, legacy)
- /nv/pggate1 (GGate)
- /nv/planns (Lanns)
- /nv/ptml1 (Tmlhpc)