PACE A Partnership for an Advanced Computing Environment

April 24, 2014

SC14 Program Offers Immersive Program in HPC for Undergrads

Filed under: Uncategorized — Cherry Liu @ 3:24 pm

Applications are now being accepted for Experiencing HPC for Undergraduates, a program designed to introduce high performance computing (HPC) research topics and techniques to undergraduate students at the sophomore level and above. The program introduces various aspects of HPC research at the SC14 Conference to increase awareness of opportunities to perform research as an undergraduate and potentially in graduate school or in a job related to HPC topics in computer science and computational science.

SC14 will be held Nov. 16-21, 2014 in New Orleans. Complete conference information can be found at:

The Experiencing HPC for Undergraduates Program contains selected parts of the main SC Technical Program, with several additional elements. Special sessions include panels with current graduate students in HPC areas to discuss graduate school and research, and panels with senior HPC researchers from universities, government and industrial labs to discuss career opportunities in HPC fields.

Prof. Jeff Hollingsworth, co-chair of Experiencing HPC for Undergraduates, discusses the program and the need to develop the next generation of HPC professionals in an HPCwire podcast at:

Applications must be submitted using the SC14 submission site at The deadline to apply is Sunday, June 15.

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