PACE A Partnership for an Advanced Computing Environment

March 25, 2014

Xeon Phi SW Developer Training – Atlanta – April 3rd

Filed under: Events — Semir Sarajlic @ 8:23 pm

This one-day training, held in Atlanta on Thursday, April 3rd, will provide software developers the foundation needed for modernizing their code to take advantage of parallel architectures found in both the Intel® Xeon® processor and the Intel® Xeon Phi™ coprocessor.

The session will cover:
– An overview of parallel programming frameworks and optimization guidelines for multi-core CPUs (Intel® Xeon®) and many-core coprocessors (Intel® Xeon Phi™)
– Discussions about three layers of parallelism: SIMD, Threads, Cluster environment
– Tips for quick porting/development of HPC software applications
– Real-life examples of code and optimization techniques
– Hardware solution and corresponding software implementations, APIs, and framework

Click here to register for the Atlanta event

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