PACE A Partnership for an Advanced Computing Environment

February 27, 2014

XSEDE-14 in Atlanta!

Filed under: Events — Semir Sarajlic @ 3:06 pm

As you know, XSEDE is an NSF-funded digital services project that helps researchers and scientists do their work more effectively and efficiently. XSEDE allows for free access to some of the nation’s fastest supercomputers and most knowledgeable help staff.

Last summer’s XSEDE’13 saw more than 700 attendees from all 50 states and 14 countries attend the conference in San Diego. We expect more in Atlanta, especially with so many great area universities, colleges and institutions. With our theme “Engaging Communities,” we encourage both traditional users of digital resources (researchers, students, post-docs in traditional sciences)  and those who haven’t historically used these resources (humanities, economics, art). Students are strongly encouraged to participate and can find various ways to engage with the conference.

The Call for Participation is out and the first deadline is fast approaching: March 15 papers and abstracts are due. Visit here for more deadlines:

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