PACE A Partnership for an Advanced Computing Environment

January 9, 2014

Reminder – January Maintenance

Filed under: tech support — admin @ 2:00 pm

Hi folks,

Just a reminder of our upcoming maintenance activities next week. Please see my previous blog post here: for details.

In addition to the items described in the previous post, we will also be fixing up some quotas on home and project directories for some users who have no quotas applied. Per policy, all users should have a 5GB quota in their home directory.  A preliminary look through our accounts indicates that only one or two users have no quota applied here, and are over the 5GB limit.  We will be in touch with those users shortly to address the issue.  Project directory quotas are at the sized at the discretion of the faculty.  For those users without a quota on their project directory, we will apply a quota that is sufficiently sized such that all users remain under their quota.  After the maintenance day, we will provide a report to faculty detailing the project directory usage of their users, and work with them to make any adjustments needed.  Remember, the project directory quotas are simply intended to prevent an accidental consumption of a space that would negatively impact the work of other users of that storage.

Related to the home & project quotas, I’d also like to give you a heads up of some upcoming adjustments to the scratch space quotas.  Current policy is a 10TB soft quota and a 20TB hard quota.  Given the space problems we’ve been having with the scratch, we will be adjusting this to a 5TB soft quota, and a 7 TB hard quota.  This change should only affect a small handful of users.  Given the close proximity to our maintenance next week, we will be making this change at the end of January, NOT next week.  This is an easy first step that we can take to start addressing the recent lack of space on scratch storage.  We are looking at a broad spectrum of other policy and technical changes, including changing retention times, improving our detection of “old” files, as well as increasing capacity.  If you have any suggestions for other adjustments to scratch policy, please feel free to let me know.  Please remember that the scratch space is intended for transient data – not as a long term place to keep things.

Finally, we will also be completing the upgrade of the remaining RHEL5 portions of the Atlas cluster to RHEL6.  Likewise, we will continue the migration of the Athena cluster from RHEL5 to RHEL6, leaving only a few nodes as RHEL5.


–Neil Bright

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