COMSOL 4.4 – Student and Research versions
COMSOL Multiphysics version 4.4 contains many new functions and additions to the COMSOL product suite. These Release Notes provide information regarding new functionality in existing products and an overview of new products.
See the COMSOL Release Notes for information on updates to this version of COMSOL.
Using the research version of COMSOL
#Load the research version of comsol
$ module load comsol/4.4-research
$ comsol ...
#Use the matlab livelink
$ module load matlab/r2013b
$ comsol -mlroot ${MATLAB}
Using the classroom/student version of COMSOL
#Load the classroom/student version of comsol
$ module load comsol/4.4
$ comsol ...
#Use the matlab livelink
$ module load matlab/r2013b
$ comsol -mlroot ${MATLAB}