PACE A Partnership for an Advanced Computing Environment

March 8, 2013

PACE Debugging and Profiling Workshop on 03/21/2013

Filed under: Events — Semir Sarajlic @ 5:01 pm

Dear PACE community,

We are happy to announce the first of the Debugging and Profiling Workshop that will take place on 03/21/2013 1pm-5pm, in the Old Rich Building Conference Room (ITDC 242).

If your code is crashing, hanging, producing inaccurate results, or running unbearably slow, you *do* want to be there. We will go over text and GUI based tools that are available on the PACE clusters, including gdb, valgrind, DDT, gprof, PAPI and TAU. There will be hands-on examples, so bring your laptop if you can, although it is not mandatory.

If you bring a laptop to follow the hands-on examples, please make sure that you have:

  • An active PACE account with access to one of the RHEL6 queues
  • Access to “GTwifi”
  • A terminal client to login (PuTTy for windows, Terminal for Mac)
  • A text editor that you are comfortable with (Vim, Emacs, nano, …)

Don’t worry if your laptop is not configured to access the PACE clusters. I will be in the conference room half an hour early to help you prepare for the session. Just show up a bit early with your laptop, and we will take care of the rest together 🙂

Please RSVP (to by 03/19/2003 and include your GT username. Your RSVP will guarantee a seat and printed out copies of the course material. You will also be able to fetch an electronic copy (including all the slides and codes) anytime by running a simple command on the cluster (we will do that during the class).

Here’s the full schedule:

  • 12:30pm -> 1:00pm : (Optional) Help session to make sure your laptop is ready for the workshop
  •  1:00pm -> 2:45pm : Debugging session (gdb, valgrind, DDT)
  •  2:45pm -> 3:15pm : Break
  •  3:15pm -> 5:00pm : Profiling session (gprof, PAPI, TAU )

The location is the Old Rich Building, ATDC conference room, #242. The google knows us as “258 4th Street“. We are right across the Clough Commons Building.

We look forward to seeing you there!

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