PACE A Partnership for an Advanced Computing Environment

October 17, 2012

NSF’s Major Research Instrumentation Program (MRI)

Filed under: News — Semir Sarajlic @ 7:57 pm

Program Name: Major Research Instrumentation (MRI) Program

Program Website

A copy of this solicitation is available at:

Purpose of the Program: the MRI program assists with the acquisition or development of shared research instrumentation that is, in general, too costly and/or not appropriate for support through other NSF programs. Instruments are expected to be operational for regular research use by the end of the award period. For the purposes of the MRI program, proposals must be for either acquisition or development of a single instrument or for equipment that, when combined, serves as an integrated research instrument (physical or virtual).  The MRI program does not support the acquisition or development of a suite of instruments to outfit research laboratories/facilities or to conduct independent research activities simultaneously.  Further guidance on appropriate requests can be found in the MRI Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) at

An institution may be either a lead or a sub in up to 3 proposals. Since Georgia Tech anticipates having 3 lead proposals, proposals as subs will only be considered should we fall short of the 3 leads. Deadline for submission to NSF is January 24, 2013 by 5:00 p.m. EST.  However, the internal deadline is Friday, November 9, 2012.

Internal Process

If you would like to submit an MRI proposal on behalf of Georgia Tech, please submit a 4-page white paper via T-Square by November 9, 2012.  Submission instructions:

1. Log on to

2. Under the “My Workspace” tab, click on the “Membership” sidebar.

3. Click on “Joinable Sites” and join “MRI Submissions.”

4. Submit your paperwork as one pdf using the Drop Box tool.

5. Direct any questions to Gail Spatt: 404.385.8334 or


Please use the following format for your white papers:

Pages 1-3

  • ACQUISITION or DEVELOPMENT (clearly indicate)
  • Project Title
  • Principle Investigator(s) and Project Director(s)
  • Project Description to include: research activities enabled; description of the research instrumentation and needs; impact on research and training infrastructure; and management plan.

Page 4

  • Budget and justification
  • Cost-sharing – note that cost-sharing at 30% is required for the MRI program; contributions may be from any non-Federal source, including non-Federal grants/contracts, and may be in cash or in-kind (see Section V. B. Budgetary Information of the Program Solicitation for full details).

As always, this information is also available at this website:


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