PACE A Partnership for an Advanced Computing Environment

March 16, 2012

New details about XSEDE12 Conference

Filed under: Events — admin @ 1:01 pm

XSEDE seeks high-quality papers on science, education, outreach, training

A new conference from XSEDE is coming! This conference will support and enhance the world of advanced digital resources and services. Scientists, engineers, social scientists, and humanities experts at colleges, universities, and research centers around the world use those resources and services to make us all healthier, safer and better informed.

XSEDE, the eXtreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment, is the largest collection of distributed cyberinfrastructure for open scientific research in the United States. As the inaugural conference of XSEDE, XSEDE12 is a forum for the presentation of high-quality technical papers, posters, panels, and Birds of a Feather sessions that will facilitate communication among scientists and students who use XSEDE and other cyberinfrastructure resources. We are particularly interested in submissions related to:

  • XSEDE, science results from XSEDE, EOT (education, outreach, training) activities that make use of XSEDE, and technology developments that make XSEDE work!
  • Other cyberinfrastructure systems – within or outside the United States
  • Campus bridging – technologies that help researchers, educators, and students integrate local campus cyberinfrastructure resources, regional, national, and international resources. (XSEDE has international partners, and we are very interested in cyberinfrastructure papers from outside the United States.)

XSEDE is one component — the largest single component to date — in the implementation of the National Science Foundation’s CyberInfrastructure Framework for 21st Century Science and Engineering. Thus, any submission related to NSF’s CIF21 is invited, particularly papers that have implications for interaction and interoperability among other cyberinfrastructure projects and XSEDE.

Key dates related to XSEDE12 include:

  • April 13: Tutorial and Panel proposals due.
  • April 25: Paper submissions due, including student research papers.
    Student papers will be presented as an integrated part of the conference program.
  • May 14: Conference registration opens.
  • May 15: Visualization Showcase abstracts and BOF proposals dues.
  • May 30: Poster submissions due.

XSEDE12 registration costs:

  • Conference registration, general attendees:
    • $450 early registration, $525 late registration
    • Student registration: $375
  • Tutorial registration:
    • Registered conference participants: $75
    • Student attendees: $25
    • Tutorial-only registration: $125 for full day, $100 for 1/2 day

This promises to be an excellent conference. The organizing committee hopes you will take part by attending and presenting papers or posters. The first step is submitting that manuscript!

For details, please see the XSEDE12 Call For Participation at: 

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