PACE A Partnership for an Advanced Computing Environment

January 12, 2012

Upcoming quarterly maintenance – 1/18/2012

Filed under: tech support — admin @ 6:55 pm

This is a reminder that all PACE-managed clusters will be shutdown on January 18 (Wednesday next week) for regular maintenance.

All currently running jobs will complete before the shutdown.  Any jobs submitted to the scheduler between now and maintenance day will either complete before the shutdown or wait until after maintenance to start.

Major items on the list this time around are:
– Improving scratch filesystem performance
– Increasing scratch filesystem size
– Complete the migration of our server infrastructure to VMs
– Further redundancy improvements to core of the HPC network
– Adjustments to VM hypervisors which hopefully improve login node performance
– Install a new binary for the scheduler to remove a limit to the number of queues (this shouldn’t change anything else, but mentioning it just in case..)
– integration of some new clusters into the Infiniband fabric (again, doing this on maintenance day just in case something bad happens)

For updates about maintenance, please check the PACE blog at

If you have questions or concerns, please send a note to

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