PACE A Partnership for an Advanced Computing Environment

October 21, 2011

UPDATED: Cygnus/Force: Second failure of new VM Storage (FIXED)

Filed under: tech support — Tags: — Semir Sarajlic @ 9:54 pm


UPDATE: At 8:45pm EDT, Force resumed normal function. The normal computing environment is now restored.


UPDATE: At 7:35pm EDT, Cygnus resumed normal function. Force is still under repair.



Well folks, I hate to do this to you again, but it looks like I need
to take cygnus and force down again thanks to problems with the storage.

Again, I’ll down Cygnus & Force at 7pm EDT. Please begin the process
of saving your work.

At this point, I’m moving these back to the old storage system, which,
while slow (and it did impact the responsiveness of these machines) at
least stayed running without issues. The new machine has not
previously shown issues in its prior use, so, I admit to being a bit
flummoxed as to what is going on.

This downtime will be longer as I need to scrub a few things clean,
make sure the VMs will be intact and usable.

I’ll let you know when things are back online. I don’t have good
estimates this time.

No scheduled compute jobs will be impacted.

I, and the rest of the PACE team apologize for the continued
interruption in service and we hope to rectify these issues in a
couple of hours from now.

Thanks for your patience.


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