PACE A Partnership for an Advanced Computing Environment

October 7, 2011

PACE passes 10,000 CPU core milestone

Filed under: News — admin @ 4:27 pm

As we are making progress with the installation of our latest round of faculty purchases, we have now passed a significant milestone – 10,000 CPU cores managed by the PACE team.  Woohoo!  Along with all of those processors, we are also managing over half a petabyte of storage across the faculty project space, infrastructure and backups, plus a couple more hundred terabytes on our high-performance filesystems.

Given the amount of spending we have in progress at the moment, it’s very likely that we will surpass the 15,000 CPU core mark by the end of the calendar 2011.  We’ll also likely get close to a petabyte of storage.




I’d like to take a moment and thank all of you for placing your trust in us.  On behalf of myself and the entire PACE team, I look forward to helping you take Georgia Tech to even higher levels in the future.



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