PACE A Partnership for an Advanced Computing Environment

August 11, 2011

IDH workshop on many-core processors

Filed under: Events — admin @ 1:59 pm

IDH is sponsoring Georgia Tech’s participation in an HPC training course called “Proven Algorithmic Techniques for Many-Core Processors”. The course will take place August 15-19, 2011. Georgia Tech and ten other sites will participate, with lectures being delivered remotely, primarily from the University of Illinois. This is a great follow up to the IDH one-day short courses we offered this past summer that many of you and your students attended. Additional information and registration instructions are available at:

The course will be offered on-site in Room 129 of the Global Learning Center. There will be hands on exercises and local support (teaching assistants) to administer the course. Please note there are a limited number of spaces available, so do not delay signing up!

Please pass this information on to any interested parties.



Richard Fujimoto

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