PACE A Partnership for an Advanced Computing Environment

December 23, 2010

Upcoming HPC procurement

Filed under: News — admin @ 8:01 pm

The PACE team is in the planning stages of another large procurement starting soon after the new year.  If you would like to purchase HPC equipment, or know somebody that might be interested, please let us know.  The more pots we can combine on the front end, the better discounts we expect to be able to negotiate for all.

We have some details posted on our web page,, but in short, starting in January we will go to our contract vendors and solicit better-than-state-contract pricing based on an estimate of known demand.  By mid-February, we expect to have a very close estimate as to what pricing individual faculty can expect.  By early March, we would like to have final commitments from faculty and will proceed with detailed configuration and finalize price negotiations.

If this proposed schedule doesn’t fit with your funding or research targets, please let us know and we can either adjust the schedule or make a purchase outside of this format.  A goal of this process to set approximate discount levels for the next 12-18 months.

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