PACE A Partnership for an Advanced Computing Environment

October 31, 2024

[Resolved] Firebird ASDL Outage

Filed under: Uncategorized — Grigori Yourganov @ 4:58 pm

On Oct 30, 2024, at 9:20 PM, there was a drive failure on the Firebird ASDL servers (on the ZFS pool dedicated to the ASDL project). The ASDL login nodes were offlined. Several jobs failed, and no new jobs were accepted since 10:09 AM on Oct 31. The NFS server was restarted and tested, and the ASDL nodes were back online at 12:38 PM on Oct 31.

New GPUs for Phoenix, V100s being Replaced 

Filed under: Uncategorized — Michael Weiner @ 9:53 am

[Additional Message 11/7/24]

As we prepare to remove 12 of the V100 servers from Phoenix next week in preparation for the arrival of new GPU nodes in December, we would like to inform you of another set of new GPUs available on the cluster through the embers backfill QOS.

There are 8 nodes, each with 8 L40S GPUs, providing 64 GPUs that have been available exclusively on embers (due to the ownership of this equipment) since late September in the Phoenix RHEL9 environment.

Visit our Phoenix Slurm guide on GPU requests to learn how to request them. Be sure to include a request for the embers QOS when requesting L40S architecture, at least until the additional L40S nodes for general use become available in December on inferno. You must make the request from the RHEL9 environment. Access via Phoenix OnDemand is not yet available.

Please contact with any questions.

[Original Post 10/31/24]

We’re happy to announce that there are will be 6 new H200 machines coming to Phoenix for general usage, with 8x NVIDIA H200 GPUs each, along with 2x L40S machines, each with 8x NVIDIA L40S GPUs. These will be available on the RHEL 9 operating system on Phoenix, which is required to support the new hardware. 

12 of the existing V100 servers will be REMOVED from the Phoenix RHEL7 environment to make room for the new L40S hardware, due to having reached the end-of-life on vendor support. The overall impact will be to greatly increase both the number and power of GPUs available on Phoenix – 24 V100 GPUs will be replaced with 16 L40S and 48 H200 GPUs. 
This change will begin on Nov. 11th, when the V100 machines will be removed, and we will 
begin installing the new servers, which we hope to release by December 6th
The new machines will be available via both the Inferno QoS and Embers on RHEL9. Jobs using the new H200 machines will be charged at a rate of $0.673 per GPU Hour ($1.4571 for GTRI), matching the current H100 rate. The rate for the new L40S GPUs will be shared prior to their release, as we’re working through approvals. 

October 24, 2024

Phoenix Project storage Slowness

Filed under: Uncategorized — Eric Coulter @ 10:57 am


Multiple hard disks failed in a single RAID pool making up the filesystem underlying Phoenix Project storage. As the arrays are being rebuilt to ensure continued resilience against disk failures, read/write performance on the device may be somewhat slower. 
In addition to this, as part of a mitigation for a previous storage issue on 9/30, we have temporarily re-configured our storage to rely fully on spinning disk rather than caching parts of files on solid-state drives, which will cause a general decrease in access speeds until we are able to transition back to the prior configuration.  

The failed drives were replaced on Oct 23rd, the pool rebuild will continue automatically. We will update when the process is complete. 


Hard disk failures are a regular part of life; the devices we support are capable of weathering these without data loss, however, it is necessary to re-write striped data onto replacement disks, leading to slight performance slowdown. In this case, 4/64 disks failed in one of the several pools making up the coda1 filesystem. We have configured the system to avoid writing new files to that pool in the meantime. These particular disks were in service for over 5 years before failing.  
We also had to disable our use of the Lustre Progressive File Layout (PFL) option on this device, which splits files between solid-state and spinning disk to provide faster access, due to the fact that the solid state drive pool became completely full on 9/30, causing a temporary outage. We are working to migrate data from the solid-state pool to spinning disk, but this process takes time and depends on the underlying drive pools being fully rebuilt, among other things.  


Phoenix users may experience slower performance of Phoenix Project storage during the rebuild, and additionally until we are able to re-enable PFL. 


Please bear with us and keep an eye out for updates. 


For any questions, please contact PACE at

October 23, 2024

Message concerning September-October 2024 Datacenter Outages

Filed under: Uncategorized — Eric Coulter @ 4:00 pm

Dear PACE Community,

Due to a highly unusual series of data center related outages this Fall, we would like to share details about the sequence of events and causes which have impacted the availability of PACE resources, and the PACE team’s continued work to provide a stable research computing environment to the GT community. We fully understand the significant negative impact these outages have on the research community, including the inability to submit research papers, complete deadlines, and as well as the loss of research time. While this does not make up for the full impact of these outages, we always work to ensure that no paid accounts are charged for computational jobs that fail due to outages, and have temporarily doubled free-tier account credits for October 2024 in a small effort to alleviate the pain of lost time. 

While many of the details here were communicated in the moment, a unified picture may help clear up certain misconceptions, and unfortunately prompt communication was required before a full understanding of the situation could be gained.   

Background: The CODA datacenter is the sole hosting facility for PACE resources. The datacenter is owned and operated by Databank. PACE resources are spread across two datacenter areas: 

  • The Enterprise Hall (500kW power provisioned) which has N+1 redundant cooling, networking, and power (battery-based UPS + Generator), where PACE and OIT host critical infrastructure and storage systems. This enables us to maintain access to login nodes and storage during most system and service outages impacting the datacenter. 
  • The Research Hall (2MW), which was designed without redundant cooling, and relies on a combination of flywheel UPS (<1minute runtime) + Georgia Power Microgrid in the case of an electrical utility outage ( design choice allowed for significantly more research compute capacity, performance, and greatly reduced facilities and operational costs. The design and operational model included elements to minimize single points of failure and to support faster recovery times. 

For the calendar year 2024, the following power and cooling datacenter outages have impacted PACE services: 

  • 9/3/2024: On August 27th, Databank identified a failed chilled water flow sensor on the High-Temp Chiller loop providing cooling to the research hall. Databank requested downtime before the next PACE maintenance period (January 2025) for emergency replacement.  
  • 9/8/2024: On September 8th, the High-Temp Chiller system providing cooling to the research hall failed due to the condenser pump variable-frequency drive (VFD) failing. Due to supply chain constraints, a unit was not available as part of the on-site inventory and  different brand/model VFD had to be sourced and installed. During the repair, Databank identified that the VFD failure had damaged the condenser pump internal bearing. The condenser pump was replaced with the on-site spare. 
  • 10/1/2024: On October 1st, the data center experienced a short loss of utility power, which impacted the High-Temperature Chiller system providing cooling to the research hall. The new condenser pump variable frequency drive was unable to properly auto-reset because of a previously unknown parameter. Note: during this incident, PACE only shut off idle nodes and prevented new jobs from being launched. No running jobs were impacted. 
  • 10/2/2024: On October 2nd, at approximately 11:33am, the datacenter experienced a rapid sequence of utility power loss (8 events in less than two minutes). The Research Hall electrical load was transferred to the UPS/Flywheels for backup power. However, the load was unable to be transferred back to the microgrid as intended due to a network breaker that tripped in the electrical vault during the October 1st event. Only Georgia Power can reset this breaker. As a result, power was lost entirely to the Research Hall once the flywheels were depleted. 

What are we doing to prevent these failures in the future?  

OIT, in partnership with the GT Real Estate Office, has engaged Databank to review outages over the past few years. Specifically, we are: 

  • Evaluating the 2017-2018 datacenter design requirements for the research hall, and how these requirements align with the needs for a reliable research computing infrastructure. 
  • Reviewing, evaluating, and improving operational procedures between DataBank, Georgia Power, and Georgia Tech. 
  • Reviewing and evaluating the list of critical spare parts maintained on-site by DataBank. 
  • Engaging stakeholders to review reliability and resilience requirements for research computing. 
  • Explore potential options to improve the cooling and power redundancy of the research hall. 
  • Analyzing the feasibility and pros and cons of hosting a small portion of the PACE computational capabilities in the high-availability enterprise side or leveraging cloud resources during outages. 

Long term, we plan to explore the use of additional datacenter locations to host research computing resources. 

Please feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns,

Didier Contis
Executive Director of Academic Technology, Innovation, Research Computing for the Office of Information Technology

October 2, 2024

Data Center Power Outage – 10/2/2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jeff Valdez @ 12:47 pm

[Update – 1/3/2024 – 12:43am]

The Buzzard cluster has been tested and confirmed functional, all nodes are back in service.

All PACE clusters are back in service, the impacts of the power outage have been remediated – this outage is over.

[Update – 10/3/2024 – 11:59am]

The Firebird cluster has been fully tested and is available for use. The scheduler has been un-paused and all queued jobs have resumed. Both RHEL7 and RHEL9 environments on Firebird are available for use. 
All Firebird nodes are back in service. 
Reimbursements will be provided for all paid jobs impacted by the power and cooling outages this week. 

 [Update – 10/3/2024 – 11:55am]

The Phoenix cluster has been fully tested and is available for use. The scheduler has been un-paused and all queued jobs have resumed. Both RHEL7 and RHEL9 environments on Phoenix are available for use. 
PACE continues to investigate 54 nodes which we were unable to power on remotely after the outage, which includes 19 NVIDIA V100 GPU nodes. 

Reimbursements will be provided for all paid jobs impacted by the power and cooling outages this week. We will provide the details for reimbursement of paid storage to affected users later this week.  

We are also doubling the amount of credits for ALL free-tier accounts on Phoenix for the month of October to offset the impacts of these outages. All Georgia Tech free-tier accounts (starting with gts-) will have the balance of $136 for the month of October; all GTRI free-tier accounts (starting with gtris-) will have the balance of $504.  

[Update – 10/3/2024 – 9:58am]

The Hive cluster has been fully tested and is available for use. The scheduler has been un-paused and all queued jobs have resumed. Both RHEL7 and RHEL9 environments on Hive are available for use.  
PACE continues to investigate 21 CPU nodes, 10 “nvme” nodes, and 4 “himem” nodes on Hive for errors and will return those to service as soon as possible.  
The PACE Team is continuing to test the Phoenix, Firebird, and Buzzard clusters, in that order of priority.

[Update – 10/3/2024 – 9:00am]

PACE and the OIT Datacenter teams have brought up the vast majority of machines making up the PACE clusters. Roughly 100 nodes remain in a state requiring manual intervention out of our 2,100 machines. The PACE team is working to confirm hardware readiness and beginning to carry out test procedures prior to releasing the clusters. Further updates will be provided as clusters become available for use.

The PACE team is prioritizing the Phoenix and Hive clusters, followed by Firebird and Buzzard. We hope to have the full suite of systems released by mid-afternoon.

[Update – 10/2/2024 – 5:01pm]

The ICE Cluster has been fully powered on, tested, and released for access in order to prioritize educational resources.

PACE and the OIT Datacenter teams are in the process of bringing up machines that make up the research clusters. Due to the sudden nature of the outage, the usual recovery mechanisms for rapid power-up are not available, which is considerably slowing recovery efforts compared to previous outages. The PACE and OIT Datacenter teams are continuing to check, manually reset, power on and subsequently test the hundreds of nodes that have been left in a bad state due to the nature of this power outage. Our tests have currently covered slightly over 1/5th of our 2,100 machines, and we expect to continue working to bring all machines online through the following day and will provide updates as we’re able to release clusters.

[Initial Post – 10/2/2024-12:55pm]

Dear PACE users,

A power outage (related to Georgia Power) impacted Tech Square including the CODA Datacenter. Due to a secondary failure of the UPS system, all PACE clusters (Phoenix, Hive, Firebird, ICE, and Buzzard) were impacted. Currently, most of the nodes on all clusters are powered off, and the schedulers on all clusters have been paused. The outage started at approximately 11:37 am this morning. At the moment, no new jobs can start, and large number of jobs that have been running when the outage started have been terminated. Access to login nodes and storage remains available due to backup power. We are actively monitoring the situation and will keep you updated on the progress of the restoration of services. 

Thank you for your patience,

– The PACE team 

October 1, 2024


Filed under: Uncategorized — Eric Coulter @ 9:18 am

[Update 10/1/24 02:06 PM]

Cooling was restored to the datacenter this morning and PACE has tested all nodes that were powered off. All working nodes on Phoenix and Hive have been returned to service, we continue to investigate a small number of nodes with issues, including 7 of the cpu-amd nodes on RHEL9, but otherwise all clusters are fully operational.  
Thank you for your patience during this partial outage!

[Update 10/1/24 09:18 AM]

Our data center hosting provider, DataBank, identified a cooling failure this morning around 8:42am. As temperatures were rising to dangerous levels, we’ve initiated a partial shutdown.  The Phoenix and Hive schedulers have been paused, and all idle compute nodes on Phoenix and Hive have been powered off. Running jobs are not currently impacted. We are continuing to monitor the situation and determine if additional measures are needed. ICE, Firebird, and Buzzard remain in production at this time. 

Access to login nodes and all storage systems remains available. Files can be accessed or retrieved via Globus, the OnDemand web interface, or the login nodes.  

We will continue to provide updates as the situation evolves, and are working closely with the vendor to restore functionality.  

For any questions, please contact PACE at  

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