Monthly scratch deletion will resume on the Phoenix and Hive clusters in December, in accordance with PACE’s scratch deletion policy for files over 60 days old. Scratch deletion has been suspended since May 2022, due to an issue with a software upgrade on Phoenix’s Lustre storage system that was resolved during the November maintenance period. Researchers with data scheduled for deletion will receive warning emails on Tuesday, December 6, and Tuesday, December 13, and files will be deleted on Tuesday, December 20. If you receive an email notification next week, please review the files scheduled for deletion and contact PACE if you need additional time to relocate the files.
Scratch is intended to be temporary storage, and regular deletion of old files allows PACE to offer a large space at no cost to our researchers. Please keep in mind that scratch space is not backed up, and any important data for your research should be relocated to your research group’s project storage.
If you have any questions about scratch or any other storage location on PACE clusters, please contact PACE.