Summary: TensorFlow update required due to identified security vulnerability
What’s happening and what are we doing: A security vulnerability was discovered in TensorFlow. PACE has installed the patched version 2.6.0 of TensorFlow in our software repository, and we will retire the older versions on November 3, 2021, during our maintenance period.
How does this impact me: Both researchers who use PACE’s TensorFlow installation and those who have installed their own are impacted.
The following PACE installations will be retired:
Modules: tensorflow-gpu/2.0.0 and tensorflow-gpu/2.2.0
Virtual envs under anaconda3/2020.02: pace-tensorflow-gpu-2.2.0 and pace-tensorflow-2.2.0
Please use the tensorflow-gpu/2.6.0 module instead of the older versions identified above. If you were previously using a PACE-provided virtual env provided inside the anaconda3 module, please use the separate new module instead. You can find more information about using PACE’s TensorFlow installation in our documentation. You will need to update your PBS scripts to call the new module, and you may need to update python code to ensure compatibility with the latest version of the package.
If you have created your own conda environment on PACE and installed TensorFlow in it, please create a new virtual environment and install the necessary packages. You can build this environment from the tensorflow-gpu/2.6.0 virtual environment as a base if you would like, then install other packages you need, as described in our documentation. In order to protect Georgia Tech’s cybersecurity, please discontinue use of any older environments running prior versions of TensorFlow on PACE.
What we will continue to do: We are happy to assist researchers with the transition to the new version of TensorFlow. PACE will offer support to researchers upgrading TensorFlow at our upcoming consulting sessions. The next sessions are Thursday, October 28, 10:30-12:15, and Tuesday, November 2, 2:00-3:45. Visit our training page for the full schedule and BlueJeans links.
Thank you for your prompt attention to this security update, and please accept our sincere apology for any inconvenience that this may cause you. If you have any questions or concerns, please direct them to