PACE A Partnership for an Advanced Computing Environment

March 29, 2019

PACE Procurement Timeline Adjustments

Filed under: Uncategorized — Semir Sarajlic @ 6:28 pm

PACE Staff have completed our move to the CODA building and are settling in. We’ve also added a couple of new faces to the team, announcements will be forthcoming shortly.

As the year-end purchasing deadlines approach, we wanted to update the community on some changes to our procurement calendar. We’re doing our best to advocate for the research community and navigate some tough realities. We’ve nearly exhausted our space in the Rich Computer Center, and are very limited in our ability to deploy new equipment in that space. The CODA datacenter will be our new home (more on that below) but is not quite ready yet.

As such, we have cancelled the previously planned FY19-Phase3 and will need to shift some dates for our last order in FY19, FY19-Phase4. This shift results in FY19-Phase4 and FY20-Phase1 essentially being deployed concurrently around October of 2019. For this reason, we strongly encourage faculty to participate in FY20-Phase1 and reserve FY19-Phase4 for those who need to use funds expiring in FY19.

We will also adjust configurations and pricing for FY19-Phase4 and FY20-Phase1 based on upcoming processing technology and market conditions once that pricing is available to the public.

Finally, planning is in progress for PACE to migrate existing research cyberinfrastructure from the Rich data center to CODA, and all efforts will be made to minimize disruption to research efforts during this move. The execution phase will not begin until at least October 2019.

To view the published schedule online or for more information, visit or email

Best Regards,

-PACE Team

March 6, 2019

[Resolved] PACE VM Migration – impacting various services

Filed under: Uncategorized — Semir Sarajlic @ 3:35 pm

[March 7, 2018 – 12:33pm]  We completed migrating our virtual servers, and restored access to the testflight and novazohar clusters.  If you should encounter any issues, please let us know at

Tasks completed:

Complete – Migrate two license servers

Complete – Migrate testflight headnode

Complete – Migrate novazohar headnode

Complete – Migrate testflight scheduler


[March 6, 2018 – 10:44am] PACE will be migrating two license servers, testflight headnode, testflight scheduler, and novazohar headnode.  This migration will be very brief that will take as long as rebooting the systems.  We are reserving 30 minutes for this service on Thursday, March 7 at 12:00pm.  This will impact you very briefly that will include inability to connect to the designated login/headnodes (i.e., novazohar, and testflight) as well as possible inability to submit jobs in which applications require a license.   This service should not impact any running jobs.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at

March 4, 2019

Campus network experiencing intermittent network latency

Filed under: Uncategorized — Semir Sarajlic @ 11:37 pm

Office of Information Technology reported intermittent network latency impacting parts of the campus network.  This would present as occasional slowness and timeouts when accessing PACE managed resources and access from PACE to non-PACE license servers, etc.  This may have caused new jobs to fail during attempts to check out software license that are not managed by PACE.  OIT has installed additional capacity, isolated and neutralized part of the cause of the issue, which is currently being monitored for any further network traffic issues.

For details and updates to this incident, please refer to OIT’s status page detailing this incident.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact


[Complete] PACE staff is moving to Coda building

Filed under: Uncategorized — Semir Sarajlic @ 10:47 pm

[March 20, 2019] This is a friendly note to confirm that PACE staff has moved over to Coda building.  While we have moved out of Rich Building, we continue to monitor the Rich data center as we have in the past.  If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at

[Original Post – March 4, 2019]As you may already know, PACE Team will be moving to CODA during the weeks of March 11 and March 18, more specifically, our offices will be in transition on March 15 and March 18. Please note, this move is only for the staff members and not the data center. Data center will continue to operate as usual, but our team’s responses may be delayed during this period, especially on March 15 and 18.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at

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