OIT Operations team informed us about a service outage on Sunday (5/27, 8am). Their detailed note is copied below.
This outage should not impact running jobs, however you will not be able to login to headnodes and VPN for the duration of this outage.
If you have ongoing data transfers (using SFTP, scp, rsync), they *will* be terminated. We strongly recommend waiting until successful completion of this work before starting any large data transfers. Similarly, your active SSH connections will be interrupted, please save your work and exit all sessions as you can.
PACE team will be in contact with the Operations team and provide status updates in this blog post as needed: https://blog.pace.gatech.edu/?p=6259
More details:
There will be a major service disruption to Georgia Tech’s network due to a software upgrade to a core campus router beginning on Sunday, May 27 at 8:00 a.m. Overall, network traffic from on campus to off and off campus to on will also be affected. Some inter-campus traffic will remain up during the work, but most services will not be available.While the software upgrade is expected to be complete by 9:00 a.m., and most connectivity restored, there may be outages with various centrally provided services. Therefore, a maintenance window is reserved from 8:00 a.m. until 6 p.m. The following services may be affected and therefore not available. These include, but are not limited to CAS (login.gatech.edu), VPN, LAWN (GTwifi, eduroam, GTvisitor), Banner/Oscar, Touchnet/Epay, Buzzport, Email (delayed delivery of e-mail but no e-mail lost), Passport, Canvas, Resnet network connectivity, Vlab, T-Square, DegreeWorks, and others.Before services go down, questions can be sent to support@oit.gatech.edu or via phone call at 404-894-7173. During the work, please visit status.gatech.edu for updates. Our normal status update site, status.oit.gatech.edu, will not be available during this upgrade. After the work is completed, please report issues to the aforementioned e-mail address and phone number or call OIT Operations at 404-894-4669 for urgent matters.The maintenance consists of a software upgrade to a core campus router that came at the recommendation of the vendor following an unexpected error condition that caused a brief network outage earlier this week. “We expect the network connectivity to be restored by noon, and functionality of affected campus services to be recovered by 6:00 PM on Sunday May 27, though many services may become available sooner,” says Andrew Dietz, ITSM Manager, Sr., Office of Information Technology (OIT).We apologize for the inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding while we conduct this very important upgrade.