As you would recall, our November 2017 maintenance included consolidation of multiple different filesystems into a single system (pace2) as announced here: All of the files should be successfully migrated by now, with links replaced to point to the new location.
We created temporary links in old locations as a temporary measure to prevent immediate job crashes, as explained in the link above (please see the “What if I don’t fix existing references to the old locations after my data are migrated?” section). Our plan is to remove these temporary links as a part of the next maintenance day (Feb 8, 2018). If your codes/scripts are still referencing to the old locations, they will most certainly crash after that day.
We removed these temporary links on the testflight cluster (mimicking the environment you’d expect to see after the Feb maintenance) and strongly encourage you to try your codes/scripts there to ensure an eventless transition. Some of the locally compiled codes with hardcoded references to old references may require recompilation if they fail to run on testflight.
As always, please contact if you need any assistance.