Greeting, and Happy Holidays!
Please note that all PACE clusters will continue to operate during the GT Institute Holiday. However, PACE staff will not be generally available for support. The Rich building will be closed and the OIT Operations staff will also be unavailable over the holiday, though available via phone. If you become aware of a catastrophic, system-wide failure please notify OIT Operations at (404) 894-4669. They will be able to get in touch with us.
On a much more somber note, Ms. Josephine Palencia, one of the PACE Research Scientists, will be leaving the team for a position in industry, effective January 4. This leaves PACE in a very difficult position with 4 vacant full time positions from a team of 11.5 FTEs. We will continue to do our best to keep things operational, however delays are unavoidable while we complete the respective hiring searches. Please direct interested parties to