PACE A Partnership for an Advanced Computing Environment

December 30, 2014

Free nVidia qwicklab tokens for GT Researchers!

Filed under: Uncategorized — Semir Sarajlic @ 9:47 pm

In collaboration with NVIDIA, we are happy to announce the availability of *free* tokens for qwiklab classes for PACE users.

You can find a full list of available labs including CUDA (basics & expert), OpenACC and using GPUs in Matlab here:

One nice thing about these labs is that they utilize Amazon Web Services (AWS) to provide each person with a GPU node, so you can try all examples and play with the codes on-the-fly requiring nothing but browser.

We currently have 40 tokens in total (NVIDIA promised more if there is demand) so please make sure you make good use of all the tokens that you requested and return them if you end up not taking the class. We allow for 4 tokens at a time, but you can definitely request more after you use all of them.

Here are the steps you need to follow:

1. Register at using your GT email
2. Email and specify:
– the email you used for your registration
– your PACE username
– number of tokens (4 max)
3. Repeat step #2 as you need more tokens
4. Provide feedback (each class should have a survey and NVIDIA folks repeatedly stated their interest in hearing from GT researchers)

Current tokens expire on June 3rd 2015.

Happy new year!

December 4, 2014

Georgia Tech mention in HPCWire Intel IPCC article

Filed under: News — Semir Sarajlic @ 9:29 pm

From the article:

Georgia Tech is conducting research that seeks to modernize quantum chemistry codes used in materials science. By designing a parallel code called GTFock, scientists can closely predict properties of materials using fundamental physical principles. This allows scalability to previously unattainable numbers of computing nodes. The team at Georgia Tech ran large batches of code on the Tianhe-2, one of the world’s most powerful computers, along with two Xeon Phi coprocessors. The experiment produced computations using more than 1.6 million cores, all working in parallel.

The code GTFock, is developed by Xing Liu, Aftab Patel, and Associate Professor Edmond Chow, of the School of Computational Science and Engineering , with assistance from Professor David Sherrill of the School of Chemistry and Biochemistry.

Original article found here:

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