PACE A Partnership for an Advanced Computing Environment

May 29, 2014

PACE Lecture Series: New Courses Scheduled

Filed under: Uncategorized — Semir Sarajlic @ 6:10 pm

PACE is starting the lecture and training course offering once again.
Over the next two months, we are offering 4 courses:

  1. Introduction to Parallel Programming with MPI and OpenMP (July 22)
  2. Introduction to Parallel Application Debugging and Profiling (June 17)
  3. A Quick Introduction To Python (June 24)
  4. Python For Scientific Computing (July 8)

For details about where and when, or to register your attendance (each class is limited to 30 seats), visit our PACE Training page.

May 13, 2014

Disk failure rate spike

Filed under: News,tech support — Semir Sarajlic @ 9:48 pm

Hey everyone,

We’ve noticed an increase in a type of disk failure on some of the storage nodes that ultimately has a severe negative impact on storage performance. In particular, we observe that certain models of drives in certain manufacturing date ranges seem to be more prone to failure.

As a result, we’re looking a bit more closely at our logs to keep an eye on how widespread this is, but most of the older storage seems fine; it has tended towards some of the newer storage using both 2Tb and 4Tb drives. The 2Tb drives are the more surprising to us as the model line involved has generally been performing as expected, with many older storage units using the same drives without having these issues.

We are also engaging our vendor to see if this is something that they are seeing elsewhere, and making sure we keep a close eye on our stock of replacements to deal with these failures.

Storage slowdowns due to failing disks

Filed under: tech support — Semir Sarajlic @ 9:47 pm

CLUSTERS INVOLVED: emory/tardis, ase1

Hey folks,

We’ve gone ahead and replaced some disks in your storage as the type of failures they are generating right now cause dramatic slowdowns in I/O performance for the disk arrays.

As a result of the replacements, the array will remain slow for a period of ~5 or so hours as the arrays rebuild themselves to have the appropriate redundancy.

We’ll be keeping an eye on this problem as we have recently noticed a spike in the number of these events as of late.

May 1, 2014

Big Data Week 2014 – Atlanta

Filed under: Uncategorized — Semir Sarajlic @ 10:43 pm

A big Big Data event with many interesting speakers. Food and drinks will be served!
You can RSVP following the link:

(needs a meetup account)

Monday, May 5, 2014 to

250 14th Street, NW , Atlanta, GA 30361

Parking is free in the deck.


• Moderator – Bloomberg‘s Duane Stanford

Delta‘s Russell Pierce, Managing Director of Customer Data & Analytics

Home Depot‘s Steven Einbender, Lead Advanced Analytics Architect

Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta‘s Michael Thompson, VP of Business Intelligence

AirWatch‘s John Marshall, CEO

Weather Company‘s Eli Phetteplace, Director of Enterprise Data


• 5-7 – networking and sponsor showcase

• 7-7:30 – introductions and intro to Big Data Week

• 7:30-8:30 – Keynote panel

• 8:30-9 – Q&A and closing remarks





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