I invite you to attend a technical seminar: “MAterials DEsign @ Georgia Tech” (MADE@GT) on Friday Oct. 14, 2011 @ the Georgia Tech Hotel & Conference Center, from 9A-5P. The complimentary event also includes free continental breakfast, lunch, and closing reception.
The MADE@GT seminar (agenda below) consists of 10 technical talks around a unifying theme of the “Materials Genome Initiative” (MGI), which is designed to drastically accelerate advanced material design and manufacture via modeling and simulation subsequently coupled with fabrication and characterization of the engineered materials …see attached for more on all that…
MGI is part of the overarching White House OSTP/PCAST “Advanced Manufacturing Partnership” (AMP). Georgia Tech President Bud Peterson is on the AMP Steering Committee. The first regional AMP mtg. will also be held at Georgia Tech on October 14th.
Both the AMP meeting & MADE@GT are co-located in the GT-Hotel on Oct. 14. Attendees at AMP can attend MADE@GT, and vice versa. There will also be a poster session devoted to topics mutual between AMP & MADE@GT.
Information of relevance…..
- RSVP NOW (so you get free breakfast, lunch & closing reception!!!)
- Use your regular GT login/password
- If non-GT, use the AMP RSVP site @
- The MADE@GT speaking agenda is below… MADE@GT is in a joint session with AMP for the 9A welcome & 10A panel, then breakouts @ 11A.
- The full AMP program is:
- Posters will be up from 8A-6P, but will only be manned around the noon hour (click here if interested in doing a poster)
- MGI is a multi-year, multi-agency initiative… FY12 = $100M
- first (of several) RFPs on street =
- This event is designed to spur collaborations on- and off-campus!
- Fancy PDF flyer to follow next week
- Contact me if you need more info:
(MADE@GT agenda follows)
—————–Joint Session with AMP——————
Georgia Tech Hotel & Conference Center
800 Spring St. NW; Atlanta, GA 30308
Oct. 14, 2011
8:00 am Registration
Continental breakfast
9:00 am Welcome and Overview
Joseph J. Ensor, Vice President and General Manager for Engineering, Manufacturing & Logistics/Electronic Systems Sector, Northrop Grumman Corp.
G.P. “Bud” Peterson, President, Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech)
9:45 am Overview of Workstreams and Breakout Session Instructions
Steve Cross, Executive Vice President for Research, Georgia Tech
Kevin Kolevar, Director of Public Policy and Issues, Dow Chemical Company
10:00 am Government Panel and Presentations
Moderator, Chuck Thorpe, Assistant Director for Advanced Manufacturing and Robotics, Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP)
Department of Defense (DOD); Brett Lambert, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Manufacturing & Industrial Base Policy
Department of Energy (DOE); Leo Christodoulou, Program Manager, Industrial Technologies Program
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST); Michael F. Molnar, Chief Manufacturing Officer
National Science Foundation (NSF); Steven H. McKnight, Director, Civil, Mechanical, and Manufacturing Innovation (CMMI) Division of the Directorate for Engineering
10:45 am Break
11:00 am Dr. Cyrus Wadia — (White House OSTP)
“Materials Genome Initiative”
11:30 am Dr. Jim Roberto — (ORNL)
“Computational Materials Science for Innovation.”
12:00 pm COMPLIMENTARY LUNCH + Posters
12:45 pm Dr. Alex Zunger — (UC-Boulder)…
“Design of materials with target properties”
1:15 pm Dr. Eui Lee – (NAVAIR/PAX)…
“Strategic planning on future Naval Aviation Materials systems”
1:45 pm Dr. Scott Sheppard – (Cree)…
“GaN Materials design and implementation for RADAR applications”
2:15 pm Prof. Ken Sandhage – (GT-MSE)
“Materials Alchemy: Changing the Chemistries, but not Shapes, of 3-D Nanostructured Biogenic and Synthetic Assemblies”
2:45 pm BREAK
3:00 pm Prof. David McDowell — (GT-ME)
“Emerging Trends in integrated design of materials and products”
3:30 pm Prof. David Sholl — (GT-CHBE)…
“Finding needles in a haystack: Selecting high performance nanoporous materials via screening of thousands of structures”
4:00 pm Prof. Mo Li — (GT-MSE)
“Building Digital Bridges: Linking Microstructures and Material Properties”
4:30 pm Dr. Jason Nadler – (GTRI-EOSL)
“Enhanced Heat Transfer via Microtemplated Architectures”
5:00 pm Closing Reception with Drinks/Apps.
Kindest Regards,
– Jud
Jud Ready, Ph.D.
Principal Research Engineer & Adj. Professor
Georgia Tech Research Institute
W – 404-407-6036
F – 404-407-9036