PACE A Partnership for an Advanced Computing Environment

May 10, 2011

Survey results are in!

Filed under: News — admin @ 3:11 pm

In the past year, PACE held a survey of current participants and non-participants of the High Performance Computing (HPC) clusters maintained by the PACE team at Georgia Tech.  Feedback from 156 respondents gave some good insight into satisfactions levels and where PACE can improve as this partnership grows.

It is also recognized that more than 40% of respondents are not participating in PACE is due to lack of awareness or familiarity.  We will be working hard bring more awareness to the campus.

Details of the results can be found at

A special thanks to Kathi Wallace, Elizabeth Campell, and Lew Lefton for making the survey possible. Please email for more information.


CASC Brochure Cover Competition

Filed under: Events — admin @ 1:59 pm

Folks, if you have interesting graphic visualizations of compelling research, we have opportunity to showcase this on a national scale.  The Coalition for Academic Supercomputing (CASC – publishes an annual brochure which is circulated to a number of federal funding agencies (NSF, NIH, DoD, etc.) as well as members of congress.  They are asking for visualizations to include within the brochure as well as the cover. Wouldn’t this be a nice place to showcase GT research!

Below, I’ve included further information from Tom Furlani (Director, Center for Computational Research at SUNY-Buffalo) about submitting.  The deadline is May 27.


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