Hi folks, just a reminder that Fluent 6.x will stop working on Saturday…
We do have Ansys 12 and 13 installed in the usual /usr/local/packages locations for you to transition to.
Hi folks, just a reminder that Fluent 6.x will stop working on Saturday…
We do have Ansys 12 and 13 installed in the usual /usr/local/packages locations for you to transition to.
The backbone team would like to perform some routine maintenance on the firewall that protects the external PACE networks between 6:00am and 7:00am on Tuesday March 1. This will result in an outage of about 10 minutes during that hour, and will drop connections into the clusters. It should not affect running jobs. As always, please let me know if this is going to cause major problems.
As many of you have noticed already, we have finished our integration of the two halves of Joe. All nodes now have the same set of software, based on RHEL5, and receive their work from the same scheduler. The “joe.pace.gatech.edu” and “neojoe.pace.gatech.edu” names refer to the same machine, they are no longer different.
Please see our user guide page [1] on queue names for the full list of queue names available to the Joe cluster. Generally speaking, you probably want to be using the queue named “joe” along with as accurate as possible description of wall clock time, processors and memory requirements. The scheduler will do the hard work of placing your job on the right resources to complete as soon as possible.
[1] http://share-it.gatech.edu/oit/pace/user-guide/the-job-scheduler/queue-names
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