PACE A Partnership for an Advanced Computing Environment

October 13, 2011

Technical Computing with MATLAB at Emory University

Filed under: Events — admin @ 6:21 pm

MathWorks is running a seminar over at Emory.  Please see for the details.  This technical seminar will discuss:

  • Importing data from Excel in to MATLAB
  • Using powerful graphics features to quickly and easily visualize and understand your data
  • Processing data using pre-written functions
  • Dynamically link MATLAB to Excel
  • Share your result
  • Speed up MATLAB applications with Parallel Computing
  • Handling large datasets with Parallel Computing


October 3, 2011


Filed under: Events — admin @ 2:27 pm


I invite you to attend a technical seminar: “MAterials DEsign @ Georgia Tech” (MADE@GT) on Friday Oct. 14, 2011 @ the Georgia Tech Hotel & Conference Center, from 9A-5P.  The complimentary event also includes free continental breakfast, lunch, and closing reception.

The MADE@GT seminar (agenda below) consists of 10 technical talks around a unifying theme of the “Materials Genome Initiative” (MGI), which is designed to drastically accelerate advanced material design and manufacture via modeling and simulation subsequently coupled with fabrication and characterization of the engineered materials …see attached for more on all that…

MGI is part of the overarching White House OSTP/PCAST “Advanced Manufacturing Partnership” (AMP). Georgia Tech President Bud Peterson is on the AMP Steering Committee.  The first regional AMP mtg. will also be held at Georgia Tech on October 14th.

Both the AMP meeting & MADE@GT are co-located in the GT-Hotel on Oct. 14.  Attendees at AMP can attend MADE@GT, and vice versa.  There will also be a poster session devoted to topics mutual between AMP & MADE@GT.

Information of relevance…..


(MADE@GT agenda follows)

—————–Joint Session with AMP——————

Georgia Tech Hotel & Conference Center

800 Spring St. NW; Atlanta, GA 30308

 Oct. 14, 2011

8:00 am  Registration

Continental breakfast

9:00 am  Welcome and Overview

Joseph J. Ensor, Vice President and General Manager for Engineering, Manufacturing & Logistics/Electronic Systems Sector, Northrop Grumman Corp.

G.P. “Bud” Peterson, President, Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech)

9:45 am  Overview of Workstreams and Breakout Session Instructions

Steve Cross, Executive Vice President for Research, Georgia Tech

Kevin Kolevar, Director of Public Policy and Issues, Dow Chemical Company

10:00 am  Government Panel and Presentations

Moderator, Chuck Thorpe, Assistant Director for Advanced Manufacturing and Robotics, Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP)

Department of Defense (DOD); Brett Lambert, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Manufacturing & Industrial Base Policy

Department of Energy (DOE); Leo Christodoulou, Program Manager, Industrial Technologies Program

National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST); Michael F. Molnar, Chief Manufacturing Officer

National Science Foundation (NSF); Steven H. McKnight, Director, Civil, Mechanical, and Manufacturing Innovation (CMMI) Division of the Directorate for Engineering

10:45 am  Break

11:00 am  Dr. Cyrus Wadia — (White House OSTP)

“Materials Genome Initiative”

 11:30 am  Dr. Jim Roberto — (ORNL)

“Computational Materials Science for Innovation.”

12:00 pm  COMPLIMENTARY LUNCH + Posters

12:45 pm  Dr. Alex Zunger — (UC-Boulder)…

“Design of materials with target properties”

1:15 pm  Dr. Eui Lee – (NAVAIR/PAX)…

“Strategic planning on future Naval Aviation Materials systems”

1:45 pm  Dr. Scott Sheppard – (Cree)…

“GaN Materials design and implementation for RADAR applications”

2:15 pm  Prof. Ken Sandhage – (GT-MSE)

“Materials Alchemy: Changing the Chemistries, but not Shapes, of 3-D Nanostructured Biogenic and Synthetic Assemblies”

2:45 pm  BREAK

3:00 pm  Prof. David McDowell — (GT-ME)

“Emerging Trends in integrated design of materials and products”

3:30 pm  Prof. David Sholl — (GT-CHBE)…

“Finding needles in a haystack: Selecting high performance nanoporous materials via screening of thousands of structures”

4:00 pm  Prof. Mo Li — (GT-MSE)

“Building Digital Bridges: Linking Microstructures and Material Properties”

4:30 pm  Dr. Jason Nadler – (GTRI-EOSL)

“Enhanced Heat Transfer via Microtemplated Architectures”

5:00 pm  Closing Reception with Drinks/Apps.



Kindest Regards,

– Jud


Jud Ready, Ph.D.

Principal Research Engineer & Adj. Professor

Georgia Tech Research Institute

W – 404-407-6036

F – 404-407-9036

September 19, 2011

XSEDE Scholars: includes travel to SC11, applications due Fri Sep 30

Filed under: Events — admin @ 3:57 pm

XSEDE Scholars Program

— Includes travel grants for the SC11 supercomputing conference in Seattle WA Nov 12 – 16 2011!

Applications due Fri Sep 30 2011


An outstanding student opportunity in the computational sciences!

Supercomputers, data collections, new tools, digital services, increased productivity for thousands of scientists around the world.

Sound exciting? Apply to become an XSEDE Scholar today!

XSEDE is a five-year, $121 million project supported by the National Science Foundation that replaces and expands on the NSF’s TeraGrid project.

More than 10,000 scientists used the TeraGrid to complete thousands of research projects, at no cost to the scientists.

XSEDE continues that same sort of work — only in more detail, generating more knowledge, and improving our world in an even broader range of fields.

You can become involved in XSEDE, too, if selected as a Scholar.

XSEDE Scholars will:

  • Attend the SC11 (supercomputing) conference in Seattle, November 12-16, 2011, through travel grants.
  • Meet other XSEDE Scholars in special sessions at SC11.
  • Participate in at least four activities with other Scholars during the year (e.g., technical training, content-based and mentoring webinars).
  • Network with leaders in the XSEDE research community.
  • Learn about research, internships, and career opportunities.

The XSEDE Scholars Program is directed by Richard Tapia and managed by Alice Fisher, Rice University.


Apply now at:



APPLICATION DEADLINE: Friday, September 30, 2011

Underrepresented minority undergraduate or graduate students interested in the computational sciences are especially

encouraged to apply for the year-long program.


Questions about the XSEDE Scholars?

Contact Alice Fisher:


The Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE) is supported by the National Science Foundation.

XSEDE is led by the University of Illinois’ National Center for Supercomputing Applications. The partnership includes: Carnegie Mellon University/University of Pittsburgh, Cornell University, Indiana University, JüSupercomputing Centre, National Center for Atmospheric Research, The Ohio State University, Purdue University, Rice University, Shodor Education Foundation, Southeastern Universities Research Association, University of California Berkeley, University of California San Diego, University of Chicago, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, University of Tennessee Knoxville, University of Texas at Austin, and the University of Virginia.


Find out more about XSEDE at:

September 14, 2011

NSF Presidential Awards for STEM Mentoring due Oct 5

Filed under: Events — admin @ 1:59 pm

Invitation for Nominations
Presidential Awards for Excellence in Science, Mathematics and Engineering Mentoring (PAESMEM) Nominations
due Wed Oct 5 2011

PAESMEM recognizes outstanding mentors and mentoring programs that enhance the participation of individuals who might not otherwise have considered or had access to opportunities in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), including persons with disabilities, women, and minorities.

Awardees serve as exemplars to their colleagues and leaders in the national effort to develop the nation’s human resources in STEM.

Who is eligible?

Individuals who arc U.S. Citizens or Permanent Residents, and U.S. organizations and companies.

Mentors and mentoring programs from a variety of contexts — academia, corporate, government, non-profit — are all welcome.

What are the criteria?

At least five years of outstanding mentoring to a significant number of persons who might not otherwise have considered or had access to opportunities in STEM (including persons with disabilities, women, and minorities) who are either:

  • Students at the K-12, undergraduate or graduate education level,


  • Early career scientists, mathematicians, or engineers who have completed their degree in the past three years.

What is required?

A description and documentation of the mentoring methods and procedures of the individual or organizational nominee, and letters supporting the nomination (a maximum of 5).

What is the award?

$10,000 honorary award and an invitation to Washington D.C. for recognition events, meetings with policy leaders, and professional development workshops.

How do I nominate?

Anyone can nominate a person (including themselves) or organization.

When is the deadline?

Nominations are due by Wednesday October 5, 2011.

For more information or to submit a nomination, please visit:

or contact:

Division of Undergraduate Education
National Science Foundation
4201 Wilson Blvd., Suite 835, Arlington, VA 22230

September 13, 2011

Workshop on Advanced Computational Methods in Engineering and Environmental Science

Filed under: Events — admin @ 8:42 pm


This workshop will focus on the use of advanced computational and programming methodologies in the development of (1) land-use, hydrological,  ocean, and/or air models that are used to address the effect of megacity development on the regional and the world-wide environment and (2) models to predict and assess the resistance of structures to blast damage.

Programming models to be discussed will include the use of global address space programming models such as Coarray Fortran, and Unified Parallel C, and the Message Passing Interface Library and partitioning libraries in large parallel applications.

Presenters will include V. Balaji, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory-Princeton University, T. Clune, NASA-Goddard Institute of Space Studies, G. Karypis, University of Minnesota, R. Numrich, College of Staten Island, Uwe Kuster, HLRS.

Additional information is also available at:

Advanced registration is required.

Parking for the workshop will be available on the campus of the College of Staten Island.

downloadable flyer

August 18, 2011

new GT courses this fall

Filed under: Events — admin @ 2:21 pm

I would like to call your attention to two new courses that are being offered this Fall that may be of interest to your students:

CS 8803-EA: Towards Exascale Analytics (instructor: Joel Saltz): Covers topics in HPC and data analysis (see below for a list of topics)

CSE 8803-CPS: Computational Problem Solving (Instructors: Edmond Chow and Richard Fujimoto): an introductory course intended for math, science and engineering students to develop computing knowledge and skills; includes an introduction to parallel programming.

Details available at:


Richard Fujimoto




List of Topics to be covered in Fall Semester CS 8803: Towards Exascale Analytics

CLUSTERING, DATA AND GRAPH MINING: Large scale clustering, data mining and graph algorithms.  Scalable parallel graph algorithms, high end techniques to support dimensionality reduction and summarization of high dimensional data, massive scale clustering and data mining, collaborative clustering methods, performance modeling for distributed data mining applications, system software to support graph mining, data mining and clustering, scalable distributed reasoning.

DATA SYSTEMS SOFTWARE: Active semantic caching, filter stream middleware, in-transit data processing,  data staging services,  adaptable IO system, collaborative threads, active storage, storage management for complex array processing, SciDB – array oriented science oriented database management system.

MAPREDUCE, DATABASES AND FINE GRAINED PARALLELISM: MapReduce, Hadoop,  the Google File System,  HDFS, Big Table, HIVE, Llama, Sawzall, PIG,  Twister, MapReduce for Multi-core and multiprocessor systems, MapReduce and Parallel Database management systems,  HadoopDB,  Hadoop-GIS

OPTIMIZATION OF HIGH END FILE SYSTEM PERFORMANCE: Object based storage, overview of Panasas parallel file system, checkpointing, scalable directories for shared file systems, collective I/O and parallel file systems, active storage strategies for parallel file systems,  relationship between data intensive scalable computing systems (e.g. Google file system and HDFS) and cluster file systems (e.g. Lustre, Panasas, GPFS).

STREAMS, ONLINE AGGREGATION AND CONTINUOUS QUERY SUPPORT: High performance stream processing, System S, DataCutter,  applications of stream processing to sensor data analysis,  workflow and quality of service,  performance insightful query languages,  MapReduce and stream processing,  streaming query languages,  stateful key-value storae with performance service level objectives.

SPATIAL ANALYTICS — SYSTEMS SOFTWARE AND MACHINE LEARNING: Spatial object association algorithms, crossmatch,  parallel database for multi-dimensional data,  spatial datamining,  content based image retrieval, high level image representation for scene classification.

TEMPORAL ANALYSES AND TIME SERIES – SYSTEMS SOFTWARE AND MACHINE LEARNING:  Time series mining, finding semantics in time series, multiple resolution time series, specifying and identifying temporal sequences, temporal RFID processing.

DRIVING APPLICATIONS – IMAGE ANALYSIS, GENE SEQUENCING, CLINICAL DATA ANALYTICS AND COMPUTATIONAL ASTRONOMY:  Examples of challenging problems (primarily drawn from the biomedical domain)

August 11, 2011

IDH workshop on many-core processors

Filed under: Events — admin @ 1:59 pm

IDH is sponsoring Georgia Tech’s participation in an HPC training course called “Proven Algorithmic Techniques for Many-Core Processors”. The course will take place August 15-19, 2011. Georgia Tech and ten other sites will participate, with lectures being delivered remotely, primarily from the University of Illinois. This is a great follow up to the IDH one-day short courses we offered this past summer that many of you and your students attended. Additional information and registration instructions are available at:

The course will be offered on-site in Room 129 of the Global Learning Center. There will be hands on exercises and local support (teaching assistants) to administer the course. Please note there are a limited number of spaces available, so do not delay signing up!

Please pass this information on to any interested parties.



Richard Fujimoto

May 10, 2011

CASC Brochure Cover Competition

Filed under: Events — admin @ 1:59 pm

Folks, if you have interesting graphic visualizations of compelling research, we have opportunity to showcase this on a national scale.  The Coalition for Academic Supercomputing (CASC – publishes an annual brochure which is circulated to a number of federal funding agencies (NSF, NIH, DoD, etc.) as well as members of congress.  They are asking for visualizations to include within the brochure as well as the cover. Wouldn’t this be a nice place to showcase GT research!

Below, I’ve included further information from Tom Furlani (Director, Center for Computational Research at SUNY-Buffalo) about submitting.  The deadline is May 27.


December 23, 2010

Comsol workshop – on campus

Filed under: Events — admin @ 2:42 pm

Ankur Gupta from Comsol, Inc. will be hosting a hands-on workshop for Comsol on January 27, 2011 over in the MARC Auditorium.  Please visit for details and registration.

December 13, 2010

NCAR Summer Internships Parallel Computational Science

Filed under: Events — admin @ 3:47 pm


Summer Internships in Parallel Computational Science (SIParCS)
Computational and Information Systems Laboratory (CISL)
National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
Applications due Fri Feb 4 2011


The short version of the update is this:

  1. The 2011 summer internship program in computational science at NCAR is accepting applications for summer 2011.
  2. SIParCS application process details can be found at:
  3. It is important to note that the application deadline is Fri Feb 4 2011.  Students will be notified beginning Fri March 18, 2011.
  4. We anticipate about 10-12 slots will be available for the summer of 2011.

I’d like to also call your attention to the fact that CISL also has summer training classes in Fortran 90, data analysis and visualization for atmospheric science, and more.

Also, a visitor program for scientists and supercomputing professionals called the Research and Supercomputing Visitor Program (RSVP) can provide travel support for attendees from EPSCoR states and minority serving institutions.

The details for this program, which provides travel support for people interested in working with CISL staff over the summer are located at:

The summer of 2011 will be the SIParCS program’s fifth year of operation, but it has already produced some exciting results and experiences for both the students and our staff. You can check out some of those results from last year under the Presentations tab at our website.

NCAR/UCAR is committed to providing equal opportunity for all employees and qualified applicants for employment regardless of race, color, religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability, marital status, veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law.

If you have any questions about the program or the application process, please feel free to contact me.

Kind regards,

Dr Richard Loft (

SIParCS Director and Director of Technology Development
Computational and Information Systems Laboratory
National Center for Atmospheric Research
1850 Table Mesa Drive
Boulder, CO USA 80305

Work (303)497-1262
Fax (303)497-1298

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