PACE A Partnership for an Advanced Computing Environment

March 3, 2010

HPC status update – 3/3/2010

Filed under: Inchworm deployment: Winter 2009 — admin @ 6:49 pm

Just a quick one today –

Our “early testing” equipment is now available.  I’ve sent emails to the students you have identified that will be running the acceptance tests with the details of how to access our “Interim Test Flight Cluster”.

Penguin has completed all of the physical installation of the new equipment and has begun the on-site testing.

February 18, 2010

HPC status update – 2/18/2010

Filed under: Inchworm deployment: Winter 2009 — admin @ 3:27 pm


Here is an update on the combined HPC purchase.  Essentially all equipment has been delivered.  Penguin is on-site and has begun installation and parts inventory.  Once the cluster is set up, it will undergo a series of acceptance tests, including several that require multiple days of error-free processing.  Tests will be run at the unit level, concurrently on each cluster, and cluster-wide.  The original schedule called for Penguin to run these tests at their facility.  However, Penguin and GT have agreed to perform these tests on-site to assure that all tests specified in the Agreement are completed successfully.  This also mitigates some impact on the schedule as a result of parts supply delays, which have now been resolved.  In light of this, we’ve also eliminated the need for a visit to Penguin’s factory in California.

FYI, below is the current schedule – some further adjustments may be necessary pending results of testing.  Now that the installation is underway, we’ll be sending out updates a little more frequently.

mid February (ON TARGET)

  • delivery of equipment

late February

  • setup of equipment to be used by users for “early testing”

mid/late March

  • completion of on-site testing by Penguin

late March/early April

  • OIT completes software installation
  • ready for user acceptance testing

early/mid April

  • ready for research

A reminder: If you have plans, or know of anybody who does, for additional HPC systems in the next 18 months or so, please contact me.

January 15, 2010

HPC Status Update – Jan ’10

Filed under: Inchworm deployment: Winter 2009 — admin @ 5:33 pm


The time has come for another update on the combined HPC purchase.  Penguin continues to work on the manufacture and initial testing of the federated cluster, and appear to be on track for timely delivery.  We’ll be verifying this with a site visit to Penguin’s factory near the end of January.  We’ve also been making electrical and cooling preparations in the Rich data center, and are on track to have that complete in advance of the arrival of equipment.

We have also been making progress towards the acquisition and setup of equipment to be used for “early testing”, and anticipate it’s availability early/mid February.

We’ve also hired the new Systems Support Specialist 2 (and rehired for another SSS-2 position previously assigned to PACE).  We are beginning the interview process for the new SSS-3 position, and still have the hiring process of a Research Technologist 2 to go.

We’ve also started a planning & budgeting process for future growth of the federation.  Please contact me if you have plans, or know of anybody who does, for additional HPC systems in the next 18 months.  A component of this planning process is a new HPC building.  We continue to work towards this goal, and are developing a plan to satisfy demands for HPC space in the interim.

Neil Bright

December 1, 2009

HPC status update

Filed under: Inchworm deployment: Winter 2009 — admin @ 11:49 pm


I wanted to give you an update as to the status of the combined HPC purchase.  We’ve made much progress.  We have resolved the final details of the order and associated acceptance criteria, and our vendor (Penguin Computing) is now working on building the federated clusters.  We will be getting continual updates (including photos from the factory floor) from Penguin on the status of the clusters and will send them out to you as we get them.

I know everybody is anxious to begin using these resources for research, so here is a preliminary schedule going forward:

mid February

  • delivery of equipment

early/mid March

  • completion of on-site testing by Penguin

mid/late March

  • OIT completes software installation
  • ready for user acceptance testing

late March, early April

  • ready for research

We’ve been working with your students to identify codes suitable for the user acceptance testing portion.  OIT/PACE will be providing some equipment early in this process for your students to ensure that their codes are ready for these tests.

Also, as part of this procurement process, we have issued a State Agency purchasing contract which will provide savings and streamline this and future HPC purchases.  We’re working with Purchasing on an official communication with the details.

Neil Bright

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